
"https://www.google.com.au/search?q=web+developer&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU775AU775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiR0J7BrujaAhXEGpQKHc5pCaUQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=nNJHDOby2drl9M:" I just start in the IT world but I know already that what I want to do is programing or design web pages, I think that today is an important role present in almost everything and every company have a web page and this web must be design, service, etc. Now Apps and web pages are a must for every company it mean for them a important interaction with their customers, so have a well design, user-friendly     web page or app can represent the success or fail for an organisation, that’s why I think that web developers and programmers are really important for today`s companies and is a big market for them with good job opportunities. Also it mean that the market is changing all the time because the companies need to keep them up to date so it mean have a co...
IT is and will be the future or at leas is what I think, just few months ago I was in a really hard situation where I had to decide what I will going to study, that wasn’t a easy decision it mean for me the investment of my live savings, and it will be something that will have serious repercussions in my life, so what take me to choose IT. Now days the world relay in technology for almost everything, now in our phone we are completely connected with the rest of the world, that mean that we have a bank, our friends, our work, newspaper and even a shopping centre in our pockets, and that happened in a very short time just in no more than 2 decades we pass to develop a room side computer to have the world in our mobile phones this technology boom is creating thousands of new jobs that are 100% focus in technology develop and maintain servers, web pages, software, hardware and much more. I saw in IT the future and the faster growing area, and to be honest is I fascinate in pr...
My name is Juan Sebastian Maldonado I come from Colombia  now living in Sydney Australia, for the last 4 years I been saving for start my university, and finally this year I was able to start in Victoria University on IT. I have no previous experience with computers but Im happy to start this course